Letter from the Planning Board

Why Have a Master Plan Process

Creating a Master Plan for Enfield involves input from residents, landowners, business owners and other stakeholders. The Planning Board recognizes that land use influences many aspects of our lives. For example, increasing the density of housing in a particular area can have an effect on traffic and roads, public transportation needs, water and sewer use, fire and police protection, school enrollment, and other services provided by the Town and many non-government service agencies.

The Process Has Three Distinct Parts:

Creating a Master Plan for Enfield involves input from residents, land owners, business owners and other stakeholders. The Planning Board recognizes that how land is used influences many inter-related aspects of our lives. For example, increasing the density of housing in a particular area can have an effect on vehicular traffic and roads, public transportation needs, water and sewer use, fire and police protection, school enrollment, and other services provided by the Town and many non-government service agencies. The process will have three distinct parts:

  1. Determinining how we view ourselves now.
  2. We will learn how residents, landowners, business owners and other stakeholders view Enfield as it exists today. We will explore how Enfield views itself as a place to live, work, conduct a business and other factors which influence the quality of life in our town.
  3. We will use surveys and small-group listening sessions focused on specific topics to learn what makes Enfield a good town in which to live and work, and what needs improvement.
  4. Determining our vision for the future.
  5. We will explore the inter-related factors that influence the quality of life in Enfield and the best way to managed them as the town grows during the next 5-10 years.

                                              i.    For example, we will determine where new housing should be encouraged, the density (number and type of housing units on a particular size building lot) of that development and the effects on and needs for municipal services created by that development.

  1. We will explore the types of businesses that we would like to see in Enfield and where they should be located.
  2. We will explore the need for amenities such as sidewalks, a park and ride lot, bike lanes, parks and public transportation to name a few; their costs and the willingness of the Town to pay for them through taxes or other funding methods.
  3. We will determine our vision for the future of Enfield through surveys, listening sessions and one or more visioning Charrettes which will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to voice their ideas and preferences for their vision of Enfield as it grows
  4. We will draft a Town Master Plan
  5. The draft plan will be based on the vision determined by residents, business owners, land owners and other stake holders. The plan will state policies of the Town as they relate to land use and development.. It will set goals based on those policies and lay out a plan for achieving those goals. The draft plan will state the department, board or other party responsible for executing the specific section of the plan. See the following example of a hypothetical section of the plan for Housing:

POLICY  It is the policy of the Town of Enfield to encourage the development of affordable, energy efficient, single and multi-family housing in the present R1 zoning district.

GOAL Add at least 5 housing units per year in the R1 district over 10 years..

ACTION ITEMS AND RESPONSIBLE PARTY: Revise zoning ordinance to permit denser development in the R1 district. (Planning Board). Extend water and sewer service to new development (DPW) Develop minimum standards for energy efficiency for new construction and renovations (Energy Committee and Building Inspector) Work with developers and builders to encourage the building of affordable housing units. (Planning and economic development office.) Work with home and land owners to encourage infill development in the district. (Planning and economic development office.)

In Addition, the Planning Board will invite participation in the review and revision of the Draft Plan to make certain that all voices have been heard and that there is consensus agreement on the Plan.

  1. Review and revise the draft plan as needed
  2. The Planning Board will hold open meetings to review the plan to insure that we “got it right”.
  3. We will revise the plan as necessary
  4. We will conduct a public hearing to obtain final input before formal adoption of the plan.
  5. Appoint volunteer stewards who will be responsible for following the implementation of specific sections of the plan.
  6. The stewards will report to the Planning Board on the progress being made towards achieving their specific goals and any obstacles encountered.

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